Happy New Year - The Kendleshire Kids Foundation Newsletter
It has been just over a year since our last newsletter... so there is a lot to tell you about what our young people have been doing, what and how the golf club has helped our wonderful charity, as well as what to expect every month from us in the future :-)
We are excited to keep you posted.
The KKF Team :-)
Hello everyone
A very Happy New Year to you all! I hope you all had a wonderful festive season and are now looking forward to 2023!
It has been some time since we have been able to continue with newsletters but I am pleased to say that these will now get back to being regular each month, thanks to our very own Emma Brown on the team.
As you will see, below, much has been happening in the Kendleshire Kids Foundation. It has been tough times, on the back of Covid-19, and all its issues in moving forward, and being able to get back to normal work, supporting our communities.
A huge thank you to all our supporting partners, whether through support of training and guidance, or through financial assistance. We are entirely grateful to all of you.
As with all charities, financial support is paramount for us to survive. If you know of anyone who would like to support us with various fundraising events or sponsor us, to allow us to continue providing support for those young people who need it, then please do let us know.
We welcome our new members of our youth committee, Sam, George, Liam, Ash and Lewis and look forward to working with them to shape the future of the Foundation. Nearly all of them have been with us, long term, and they are keen to stay involved, so this is a great opportunity for them.
As always, thank you to our partner schools for continuing to refer young people to our great programme of work. We know many of you so well, now, and we look forward to continuing those partnerships into 2023 and beyond.
A huge thank you to The Kendleshire Golf Club, and all the staff there, who go to such great lengths to ensure that our young people feel welcome and have a positive experience on site. You are all amazing!
We have begun to see some early, positive indicators in the research project being undertaken by Dr Haydn Morgan at the University of Bath and this is excellent to see. This is longer term research so full results will not be available until further down the line.
Please do continue to follow us on our social media platforms: FaceBook, Twitter and Instagram and
check out our website for all details of our programme of work.
Signing off until next time!
Dawn Ward
The pictures above are last years wonderful Captains who chose The Kids Foundation, as either their main charity or one of them, to support in 2022.
On the left photo we have in order Wayne Graham (Mens' Captain) , Ethan Holway (Junior Captain) and Rachel Hill (Womens' Captain). Wayne raised over £3700, Rachel raised over £3000 and So far Ethan has raised between £3000-£4000 for The Foundation. We are so grateful for this, Thank you.
Ethan and a few other Juniors did the amazing job last Summer, of playing 72 Holes in one day to support his Charities. They did it in record time compared to 2021. Thank you Ethan, Lizzie and Max. That was a brilliant achievement! Ethan also had a very successful Charity Golf Day and bottle putt.
As always, thank you to the Golf Club and the members for dipping into their pockets and supporting the challenge.
The photo below was taken at The Zone before last years summer Holiday started.
Every week we try and work with the young people on different aspects of golf, to help them improve on their techniques, Mind set, resilience and patience. It really is amazing how golf can help this and make you realise how important these things are!
Here we have our very own Harry showing the others how its done ;-)
Our trip to Bath Uni with the Kids Foundation this year.....
In July we took 18 of our young people to Bath Uni to to experience a tour of the sports village.
They played several different sports and got to do a Q and A with the Bath Sports Ambassadors.
It was a brilliant day enjoyed by all. We are very proud to have them as a partner and look forward to future plans and visits we have with them this year!
Last but not least we have to make some massive thank yous to the 2021 Captains of the Club last year who also raised money for the Kids Foundation.
Our Mens' Captain Jason Page and our Junior Captain Shannon Jones both chose the KKF to help raise money for and between them they raised the most incredible £1882.
We cannot thank you enough as this money went towards the day to day sessions we had with the young people on Mondays and Saturdays.
Thank you all from the whole team.
Collaboration for Kids
NHS Integrated care framework (Vanguard)
University of Bath Research Project
Further information will be available in our next newsletter :-)
New Partners and Supporters since our last Newsletter
Co-op Local Community Fund
Gloucestershire Community Foundation
Active Communities Network
Access Sport Bristol
Towergate Insurance
Suicide Prevention U.K
Empire Fighting Chance
Welcome to our new Youth Committee
Liam, George, Sam, Remiese, Lewis
George is also our new Youth Trustee :-)