Welcome to The Kendleshire Kids Foundation Newsletter - February 2023

We hope you enjoyed the round up of last years activities! Welcome
to the first 2023 newsletter!

The KKF Team :-)


Hello everyone
We have had a great start to 2023 with a great deal of interest in our programme from a variety of sources!
We are delighted to announce, (as many of you might have seen on social media,) that we are 1 of 200 grassroots organisations across England and Wales to have been awarded funding from the Government’s £5,000,000 Youth Justice Sports Fund. (See further details below)

We have also been successful with some further funding from WESPORT  from the Together Fund which is also fantastic news for us. (See further details below).
Our referrals from our local schools continue to increase and there is always a buzz around the Golf Club on our sessions days, as many of you will have experienced.
We have formed some new partnership links which are shown below and we look forward to working with them to share good practice and further learning.

As always, please do continue to follow us on our social media platforms: Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and check out our website for all details of our programme of work.

Signing off until next time!
Dawn Ward

Kendleshire Golf Club -Men’s Captain 2023

A warm welcome to Nick Corderoy who has pledged his support for Kendleshire Kids Foundation during his Captain’s year. A massive thank you from the Team, Nick!

A warm welcome to Nick Corderoy who has pledged his support for Kendleshire Kids Foundation during his Captain’s year. A massive thank you from the Team, Nick!

Our first time out on the Golf Course this year was just Wonderful.

Last Monday the sun was shining, it wasn't raining and the boys really were excited about getting out on the course again.
We were able to play a few holes ... and yes, that is Harry wearing shorts.. In January!!

Deputy Prime Minister:

Sport has a vital role to play in ‘turning young lives around’.

Youth Justice Sports Fund

A big thank you to StreetGames - Deputy Prime Minister: Sport has vital role to play in ‘turning young lives around’ - StreetGames,  Alliance of Sport in Criminal Justice  - Deputy PM: Sport has vital role to play in turning young lives around - National Alliance of Sport and the Sport for Development Coalition - Deputy Prime Minister: Sport has vital role to play in 'turning young lives around' | Sport for development coalition for giving the Kendleshire Kids Foundation this great opportunity to be involved in this project.

This is great news in helping us to make a real impact, where this is needed, in providing young people a positive route into sport and supporting their mental health. This has been reported as an early intervention, this year, from the Ministry of Justice, in using sport effectively to reduce crime. This will also involve ‘training for sport organisations to work effectively with youth justice services, police and other local agencies to better meet the needs of the most vulnerable children in their communities and using sport to enhance positive outcomes for children in the context of youth crime.’ This means so much to us, as such a young charity, and we are very proud to have received this.

WESPORT – West of England Sport Trust

Also, a big thank you to WESPORT - The West of England Sport Trust (Wesport) - CSP for the West of England - page 1 for providing Kendleshire Kids Foundation funding from the Together Fund. The Together Fund is a continuation of the Tackling Inequalities Fund that was set up in April 2020 as part of the support package from Sport England ‘to help the sport and physical activity sector through the coronavirus (Covid-19) crisis.’  ‘This is a targeted fund that's been designed to deal with the issues caused as a result of coronavirus and aims to support community organisations working with priority audiences, so they have a future to plan for,’ (as shared by Sport England - Together Fund | Sport England)

You can make a difference :-)

We are currently in the process of arranging a new donations platform. WATCH THIS SPACE!
Your donations allow us to help more children and young people and improve their life chances by: providing leisure time activities and support to develop their skills, capacities and capabilities for the future, ‘Golf for Good’.

If any of you would like to donate, Tap on the Donate button below


Collaboration for Kids

To develop Nutrition and Lifestyle Educational Modules and Delivery Strategies based on existing up-to-date nutrition and lifestyle and behavioural science, with a key focus on prioritising real, natural foods and minimising hyper-palatable and ultra-processed foods.
Following the Pandemic, this project was delayed but we have now made contact to understand the next steps of any involvement.

NHS Integrated Care Partnership (Vanguard)

The ICP brings together a broad range of partners – including from the local voluntary sector and community groups – and sets the strategy to meet the population’s health, care and wellbeing needs. Our focus area is Bristol, North Somerset, South Glos. Training will be taking place on 1st Feb to understand the next steps in supporting our young people in the local community.
University of Bath Research Project
Dr Haydn Morgan will be visiting again, in early February, to interview our young people, mentoring team and professional golfers team for further information to add to the research project.

New Partners and Supporters Since Our Last Newsletter


South Glos Department for People – (Ambassador Network Training – Adversity and Trauma-Informed Practice)

SARI (Stand Against Racism and Inequalities) – (Training - Support for Victims of Hate Crime via WESPORT)

Sport for Development Coalition – (Youth Justice Sports Fund)

Street Games – (Youth Justice Sports Fund)

Alliance of Sport in Criminal Justice – (Youth Justice Sports Fund)

XMA Ltd – (Provision of new laptops for our online learning)

VOSCUR – via WESPORT (Supporting Voluntary Action – Training for WESPORT funding)

Kooth (Online Mental Well-being Community – Training as part of the South Glos Ambassador Network)

City of Bristol Youth Council –( in support of Sam – (one of our Youth Committee Ambassadors) also a Youth Council member, promoting our charity to the wider Bristol Community)

Dates for the Diary

2nd February – Time to Talk Day
6 th – 12 th February – Children’s Mental Health Week
8 th June – Kendleshire Kids Foundation Charity Golf Day
19 th – 23 rd June – Small Charities Week
10 th October – World Mental Health Day

Meet Our Team

Dawn Ward - CEO
Pat Murphy – Chair of Trustees
Justin Coleman – Trustee - Finance Officer
Gary Ward – Trustee
George Richards – Youth Trustee
Emma Brown – PGA Golf Coach
Tom Gillespie – PGA Golf Coach
Ben Littleton – Youth Engagement Consultant
Harry Gethin – Youth Engagement Mentoring Lead
Georgina Bidder – Website Co-ordinator
Jack Pitt – Social Media Co-ordinator

Georgina Bidder